Solve Your Own Problems...

Feedback from our clients shows that there is a lot of people who choose not to engage the services of a professional mediator to assist them solve their conflict. These clients are also intelligent enough to realize that their personal and professional problems must be addressed. They currently have the knowledge, skills and abilities to solve their own differences. They just need a little advice, some direction and a staged process to guide them along the road to success.

To address the needs of these clients we have created self-directed problem solving e-books that walk you step by step through an interest-based negotiation process. You can prepare and conduct the negotiation and/or mediation yourself. The e-book provides you with an opportunity to prepare and practice your plan, long before approaching the other party. You can identify the issues, explore all the interests and create some collaborative solutions easier without paying the big bucks for a mediator. If you have a personal conflict with a friend, a spouse, a neighbour, a relative or a problem at work with another employee, supervisor, subordinate or manager and you choose to resolve your own problems; these easy to follow instructional booklets are for you.

Self Help E-Books... downloads $9.95

1. Problem Solving For Couples

2. Problem Solving For Friends

3. Problem Solving For Work Related Issues

4. Problem Solving For Supervisors & Manager:

a) Solving a problem between you and an employee - "Negotiator"

b) Solving a problem between two other employees - "Mediator"

5. Negotiating Effectively With Your Boss

6. Not So Nice Negotiations

7. Workplace Conferencing


Mediationsplus practical problem solving guides...
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