Problem Solving For Friends
good friends it can be the most wonderful experience in the
world. Someone you care for, cherish and respect. Someone that
you can depend on through thick and thin, rain or shine, sleet
and snow for almost anything at any time. Yes this is a good
friend. Sometimes a lifetime can go by and neither friend has
confided in the other how they feel about their relationship.
Friends are not usually relatives and not usually romantically
involved; they are just good friends. Good friends have a lot
in common. They speak the truth to one another, hurtful or not.
They continually share, always thinking of the other when they
should be thinking of themselves. True friends get past the
personality quirks, the bad attitudes and sometimes the unknowingly
inconsiderate behaviours. True friends seldom see the bad in
their friends and when they do they forgive and forget. After
all, they are true friends.
True friends are
most important in life!
They make you live longer
by adding some spice.
Unfortunately, sometimes we experience an incident, a situation
that somehow is different than the others and it has affected
our long-term FRIENDSHIP. A silly argument, statement or conflict
just happened. You don't even know why or where it came from.
It just accidentally happened. Your feelings are hurt. Your
emotions are running high. Your ego is damaged and you are sitting
in the valley alone. It's not nice in the valley. So if you
want to address your conflict and regain that wonderful friendship,
this e-book may be for you.
Get the eBook: "Problem Solving For Friends"
($29.95 only $9.95)