Mediation - 3 Day Workshop

This training is designed for participants who desire to help friends or employees resolve their personal or professional problems. These skills are especially important when teamwork is the key to a successful project. You will act as a neutral, impartial third party guiding others through an Interest Based Solving Problem Model. You will be giving a gift of hope to your friends and associates by offering to help resolve their problems.


The purpose of this workshop is to provide the participants with an:

  1. An understanding of Conflict and Disputes.
  2. A skill set to help the participant conduct mediation.
  3. A staged model to manage the Mediation process.
  4. An understanding of the Interested Based Mediation Process.


At the end of this workshop, participants will be able to:

  • Understand the different styles of dealing with conflict.
  • Use some learned communication skills to assist in an effective mediation.
  • Identify the issues in the dispute.
  • Identify the interests of both parties.
  • Verbalize a neutral goal statement.
  • Assist the participants create some mutual solutions.
  • Using a role-play scenario involving conflict, mediate the dispute using the learned process

If you think a training workshop or any of our services can help your employees, supervisors or managers, Please contact us: about our custom training courses.

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