Interest Based Negotiation Skills - 2.5 Day Workshop

This workshop will most benefit those people who have a desire to identify and resolve conflict in their personal and professional lives. The candidates will be introduced to a variety of communications/negotiation skills and an interested based problem-solving model. Theory and practical role-plays are used to provide realistic negotiation training. Professional coaches will provide constructive feedback to enhance candidate's communications and negotiation skills.


The purpose of this workshop is to provide the participants with an:

  1. Understanding of The Dispute Resolution System, and
  2. Understanding of the elements and steps in an interest-based approach to resolving conflict.


At the end of this workshop, participants will be able to:

  • Identify the characteristics of conflict
  • Recognize different styles of handling conflict
  • Understand some tips for dealing with difficult people
  • Understand a process for conflict resolution from an interest based perspective
  • Explain the steps of an interest-based negotiation model

If you think a training workshop or any of our services can help your employees, supervisors or managers, Please contact us: about our custom training courses.

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